Saturday, June 30, 2012

Refurbished Roku only $49.99 + More Woot Deals

Today over on Woot you can get a great deal on a refurbished Roku XD 1080p Streaming Player.  It's just $49.99! If you have been thinking about ditching cable, Roku can stream all of the major services like Amazon on Demand, Hulu Plus and Netflix...Cable is over $100 per month for us and we can get all 3 of the services I mentioned for just $26.56 per month and still have access to out favorite TV shows!

There is also a great deal on a Deluxe Fun Zone Play Tent for $39.99. My kids LOVE their play tent and can spend hours inside reading, playing doctor, or teaching their animals.  They still have the $5 All You Can Ship Promotion as well so anything you buy on Woot all day long is covered by the one-time shipping charge.

Here are some other deals you can pick up today:

-Vinturi Deluxe Wine Aerator Set $39.99 (Retail $59.99)
-CRKT Van Hoy On Fire Knife $24.99 (Retail $89.99)
-Argento Reserva Red & White Mix (6) $67.99 (Retail $94)
-Velocity Micro T301 Android Tablet $49.99

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