Monday, June 4, 2012

"Have It All with Allegra" Review And Giveaway

If you suffer from allergies like I do then you know how hard it can be during Spring and early Summer when your family starts to head outdoors for some fun.  It takes me all of five minutes outside to become an itchy, watery mess here in Texas...As a military mommy I am discover a new allergy every time we move, but Texas has been by far the worst!  Needless to say I was pretty excited to take the "Have It All with Allegra Challenge" and switch up my current over the counter allergy medication meds and try Allegra.

Right off the bat I loved that Allegra starts to work in just one hour since remembering to take allergy medications is always an issue for me and other products take so long to kick in that I spend a good part of the day being completely miserable when I forget to take one a few hours before going out (or the day before for some products).  Allergy season started early here in Central Texas this year and it was a bad one for me so the Allegra really came in handy.  I popped an Allegra during an afternoon trip to the park and my symptoms really did subside in about an hour!  I was shocked.  Being a long-time allergy sufferer and medication taker I wasn't really expecting it to work that quickly.  I run my girls over to the neighborhood park a couple afternoons a week in the Spring and let them play for a few hours while I read or catch up on work.  Spending that time free of

 Allegra offers fast, non-drowsy, 24 hour relief from both indoor and outdoor allergies - including itchy and watery eyes (my least favorite symptom) and a runny nose.  It's the only over the counter brand that offers the combination of quick, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief.  You can even head over and see how Allegra compares to other brands . Allegra offers a wide variety of allergy relief products for both adults and children, all of which are available over the counter in your local grocery or drugstore. You can learn more about Allegra and get information on coupons and special offers by visiting and following them on Facebook and Twitter.

One luck My Military Mommy reader will get the opportunity to try out Allegra too.  To enter just complete one or all of the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  You can complete one or all of the entries, but remember the more you complete the better your chances of winning. Giveaway end Friday June 8th at 12:01 am

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received Allegra products to facilitate my review.  All thoughts and opinions about the product are my own.  Allegra is also providing the product for this giveaway.

Keep up with the freebies, coupons and discounts! Subscribe Now!


  1. I like that it is starts to work fast.  There is nothing worse than having allergy symptoms for hours!

  2. I like that Allegra lasts for a long time.  Perfect if I'm out for the day.

  3. Allegra D has saved me from 10 years of dibilitating headaches...The doctor believed it was migraines but I kept insisting it was sinus problems. Finally a neuroligist still insisted it was migraines and again I disagreed...any way he told me to try Allegra D and I haven't gotten many headaches for about a year....What a difference I just wish I knew about this before i sat around a few days a week miserable and packed on so much weight. My husband and daughter suffer from allergies so I would to try this if i win on them instead of the one I use daily 

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net


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