Tuesday, May 8, 2012

VA Loan FAQs Article

We are currently going through the buy or rent phase of our home finding process for our upcoming PCS (is it just me or does it never seem to be any less stressful?) and looking into our various loan options.  Even though we have been through the home buying process before all the choices make my head spin so I am always glad to find good articles for a better understanding.  Our current household "debate" is whether or not we'd like to go the VA Loan route which definitely has some great benefits like no down payment and no PMI.  

I came across a great,simple article on Military.com about FAQS on VA Home Loans which goes through the basics of a VA Loan and why you might want to choose it over a traditional loan.

If you do want to read more about VA Loans you check out the Department of Veteran Affairs site.

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