Friday, April 13, 2012

Your PCS and Finding Your New Home

We're PCSing soon so the upcoming move has become a constant on my mind lately!  There is so much to take care of in the next few months and I am constantly thinking of new things I need to do so I thought over the course of the month I would share some tips on making your move easier and saving money while doing so.  Earlier this month I posted about terminating your lease and today my mind is on finding a new place to live so I thought I'd share some tips for finding a place to live when you move.  There are lots of things to consider when you are finding your next home and it can be a stressful process, but it also part of the adventures of the military life.

What's you BAH?

No matter where you are going or whether you plan to live off post or on, the first thing you want to do is head on over and find your BAH rate.  When deciding how much you can afford it helps to know how much money you will be receiving.  Don't forget to take utilities into consideration when deciding how much rent/house payment you can afford!  If you do not have a set budget, now is a good time to start one!

Do you plan to live on post or off?

The choice to live on post or off depends on a lot of things including availability and personal preference.  My preference is to live off post, but there are many benefits to living on post as well.  One major point to consider when making this decision is that when you live on post many of your utilities are included.  You can apply for the waiting list for housing as soon as you have your orders so it is a good idea to go ahead and get on the list as soon as possible.  You can apply for on post housing and/or view the waitlist here (Select Bases only).  I recommend applying for housing even if you don't think you want to live on post.  You can always turn down the house you are offered, but you may be surprised and love the neighborhood and house you are shown.  To find the housing office for your next base just google the phrase "Ft. ______ on post housing."

Are you going to arrange your housing before arriving or wait until you get there?

You are authorized in most cases to take Permissive TDY to find a place to live before you move.  Depending on the distance from your current duty station you may or may not want to take advantage.  It can alleviate a lot of stress when you already know exactly where you are going to be living, but not everyone is able to use this benefit.  Another option is to do your home search online, but be careful when doing so. You will want to contact the housing office at your next duty station before making any living arrangements as Army regulations require you to report to your housing office before making permanent off-post arrangements.  If you decide to wait until you arrive you'll want to make sure to find a nice extended stay hotel or furnished apartment so you can take your time finding a place.

Rent or Buy?

The decision to rent or buy is, again, a very personal decision with many different factors involved.  Before deciding to buy a home make sure to discuss tough questions with your spouse.  The big one being, what will you do if you can't sell your home?    If you are considering buying a home it is a good idea to go ahead and get pre-approved for your home loan and use a realtor.  You want to know before you even start your search how much you can get approved for and there is no cost to you as the buyer when you use a realtor's services.  A realtor can act on your behalf to negotiate and may have access to listings you can't pull up online.  If you do decide to rent be sure to read that fine print and when you're done, read it two more times!  If you see something you don't like don't be afraid to ask that be crossed off or taken out.  (Be prepared to walk away if they say no and something in the lease sounds really odd to you).

Resources for Finding New Rentals and Homes

My best friend during a housing search is Google, but there are many, many other resources available to help you locate properties available to rent or buy:

Realty Company sites like and offer listings as well as access to local agents

Military By Owner -- a site where military families can sell or rent their homes for a small fee

AHRN (Automated Housing Referral Network) - a site for military only to locate privatized on post housing as well as off post housing, temporary lodging, and homes for sale by military owners.

Your post housing office will have a list of rental agencies that are approved for your area.  As mentioned above, you must report to your housing office before making any arrangements for off post housing.

Other Resources for a Military Move

Military One Source is a fantastic resource for planning your military move and military life in general also has lots of great articles and forums as well as base guides!

Do you have a tip or website that has helped you locate housing on your move?  If so please share in the comments below.

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