Tuesday, March 27, 2012

3 Free Magazine Deals: Ladies Home Journal, BabyTalk, and Parenting

Here are 3 free magazine deals for ya'--I love free reading materials and my kiddos love to cut out the pictures and make collages when I'm done with them.

Get a free digital subscription to Ladies Home Journal!  I am excited this one actually works with WebOS!  (Love my TouchPad, but it's not super compatible with everything...)  Head over here to sign up.

You can also get a free print subscription to Baby Talk and/or American Baby.  I  love the baby magazines because they will often contain coupons for some of my favorite clothing stores like Crazy 8 and Gymboree!

Go here to get your free subscription to BabyTalk

Go here to get your  free subscription to American Baby

Don't miss a single deal-- Subscribe

Keep up with the freebies, coupons and discounts! Subscribe Now!

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