Thursday, September 9, 2010

Steps to Save - Step 2 Continued - A Little More Involved

Tuesday we moved on to Step 2 to Save - Organizing Coupons and I listed some different ways to organize your coupons. Wednesday I listed out 2 ways that I think are the fastest and easiest ways to organize your coupons. Today, we'll move on to a little more involved way to organize:

1. The couponizer
materials - The Couponizer, pen
a. Buy the is a great coupon organizer! It is larger than an accordion organizer and has a few more tabs.  I love their categories and I really like the front part that has "what coupons you are using" "what coupons you will give the cashier" "coupons about to expire" and "a place for a shopping list".

2. The Coupon Binder :)
materials - binder, baseball card inserts, dividers
a. Buy your materials- I am using a 3 inch Coupon Binder, but any size that is right for you will work. You can find the baseball card inserts at the front of the store. I recommend you buy plastic dividers, they wear so much better and as much as you will turn them, you'll need them!
b. decide your categories - alphabetical or laid out by the isles of your store or just your most used items, whatever works for you is the best way to go! I use alphabetical b/c I shop at so many different stores.
c. cut your coupons and fold to fit (or trim really close)

*Is your organizing method easy and fast or a little more involved?

*Steps to Save 
*Tomorrow I will share little tidbits to help with whatever way you choose to organize.

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Rachel Ollivant said...

I just started using the binder, and so far so good. It's nice to have everything right there when I'm shopping and it really doesn't take that long to maintain. I can also put in my WIC checks and shopping lists, so there's very little fumbling around when I'm shopping!

I also have one of those accordion folders for the coupons inserts I have leftover after I cut the ones I think I'll use. I try to keep them in oder, write the date on them and file them away, so they're handy in case I decide I want to use one after all or if a friend needs one.

And when I have it all done, I keep it on a shelf in the closet so they kids don't get a chance to destroy them. :)

Anonymous said...

I love my coupon binder. Having it all spread out makes me so much more organized and easier to find the right coupon fast.

I love that you have a place up high for you son is almost 10 months old and he LOVES coupons...not a good thing right now :) haha


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