Friday, July 9, 2010

Commissary - Items Less than $1(7/8 - 7/21)

The new Commissary sales started yesterday! Here are some items you can pair with coupons to get them for under $1 - Great Deals!

Bar S Franks
$1/2 Bar-S Franks or Bologna, exp. 7-9-10 (RP 05/16/10)
Final Price: 2 for under $1

Butterball Turkey Bacon
$0.75/1 Select Butterball Turkey Products, exp. 8-31-10 (SS 06/27/10)
Final Price: Under $1

Land O Lakes Butter - under $1 - no coupon needed :)

Banquet Chicken Fingers and Chicken Nuggets - less than $1 - no coupon needed

Pringles - less than $1 - no coupon needed
*There are coupons for Pringles listed in the database in case you want to buy more than 1

Pantene Shampoo or Conditioner
$2/1 Select Pantene Products, exp. 7-31-10 (Parade 06/27/10)
Final Price - less than $1

Keebler Sunshine Crackers - Cheez It
$1/1 Keebler Sunshine Crackers printable
Final Price: Less than $1

Wishbone Dressing
$.75/1 Wish-Bone or Western Dressing, exp. 07-26-10 (RP 06/27/10)
Final Price: Less than $1

Minute Maid - Fruit Punch, Lemonades
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Del Monte Ketchup
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Parkay - Margarine
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Guldens Spicy Brown Mustard
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Barilla Pasta (most under $1)
$1/2 Barilla Whole Grain Pasta printable
Final Price : 2 for under $1

Heinz Dill Pickles, Relish
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Hunt's BBQ and Pasta Sauce
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Suave Coconut and Waterfall Shampoo
Less than $1 - no coupon needed

Skintimate Shave Gel
$0.75/1 Skintimate Cream or Gel Shave, exp. 8-29-10 (SS 07/11/10)
$0.75/1 Skintimate Shave Gel or Cream Shave, exp. 7-25 (SS 6/27/10)
Final Price: Less than $1

Edge Shave Gel with Aloe
$0.75/1 Edge Shave Gel, exp. 7-25-10 (SS 06/27/10)
Final Price: Less than $1

*Please let me know if I missed any and stay tuned for more match ups!

This post is part of BeCentsAble's Grocery Gathering.

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