Thursday, May 13, 2010

Walgreens RRs CAN be used at the Commissary

The following message was sent to me by My Price is Right, Thank You! I have not tried it at my commissary yet (I have no catalinas right now), but if you do, let us know how it went! Please read her note at the bottom! This could lead to even better savings!

Walgreens RRs CAN be used at the Commissary
Actually, ANY Catalina that does not state "ONLY at [Store]"

Dear Ms. Traci *****,

Thank you for bringing the coupons from Walgreens to our attention. I am pleased to say that the information you received from [Head of Customer Service for DECA] is correct. The coupons you presented to us CAN be used at the commissary. We can accept manufacturer coupons, however the coupon cannot state that it has limited use in a certain store. For example, the coupons that you gave us stated "redeemable at Walgreens", these coupons will be accepted because it does not state that it is ONLY redeemable at Walgreens.
Thank you again for making this a learning experience for all of us here at Fort Carson. We appreciate your patience for allowing us to look further into the situation.

[Assistant Customer Service Manager]
Ft. Carson Commissary

Note:I suggest speaking with your Commissary's Customer Service Manager prior to expecting RRs/CATs to be accepted (since most stores simply do not know the policy) so that they may confirm with Ms. Danna Eldgridge, head of Customer Service for DECA.

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