Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday Money Saving Messsage - May 24

Every Monday I'd like to send out a Money Saving Message and answer questions I have received from readers or tips on saving money. Please send any questions you would like answered to my e-mail at or fill out the form at the bottom . I look forward to hearing from you and starting great discussions on saving money!

Today, I'd like to talk about Coupon Clipping services. A reader wrote in asking if anyone has used a coupon service and what was their experience?

I think a Coupon Clipping service is a nice option to have when you are stockpiling or find a great deal. I have used one (Kuntry Klippers, but have heard good things about others) to get coupons for razors at the commissary. I was able to stock up on razors and use overage from the coupons to help with other items. I found it to be a cheap way to save lots of money. I got 40 coupons for $2...I ended up with 20 free razors and lots of overage. The coupon service I used also has codes for free shipping for members and a Clearance section for coupons ready to expire. The coupons did not get to me super fast, so I like to use them for Commissary deals (since they last longer) and for items that have a great coupon out that I use often. Another option is, many stores are now giving sneak peeks of their weekly ad and you should have enough time to get the coupons before the deal is over, but I would order ASAP.

Comment below or on the chat wall about:
What coupon clipping service do you use? What has your experience been?

Thanks for sharing and helping out!

Any questions about saving money or something you want to know more about, e-mail me or fill out the form below.

To see Last Week's Money Saving Message on Military Coupons go here.

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