Monday, May 17, 2010

Halls Giveaway *Ends Tomorrow*

Allergy season here is in full swing! The trees and flowers are blooming, the grass is being cut, and the pollen on the cars is piling up!

I do not get the watery eyes and sneezing, I get the stuffy head feeling and sinus headaches. Just as this is beginning to happen, Halls contacts us for a giveaway and sent me Halls Mentho-Lyptus Honey-Lemon to go along with my allergy medicine to give me allergy relief quick.

The next weekend I could feel a headache coming on after a day at the park and I popped in a Hall's. It really helped open my head up and kept the headache at bay until I was able to get home and take some sinus medicine. The Honey-Lemon I tried was also tasty!
The best part of the experiment is that Halls has offered a bag of Halls for 2 My Military Mommy readers! Now you can try Halls to help out with your allergy suffering too!

To enter, just fill out the form below! This ends next Tuesday!

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