Friday, May 7, 2010

Free Craft Ideas for Kids

. has a wonderful offer just for My Mommy Readers! You can sign up on their homepage here for 6 weeks FREE Limited Membership. (You will fill out the registration from and then be sent to the unique username and password created for My Mommy readers.) You will have access to crafts on all different topics. But the fantastic thing is that you also receive their Weekly E-ventures! emailed straight to you inbox for 6 weeks! 6 weeks of crafts, games, books and more! is a site that focuses on easy, creative learning for young children. Weekly E-ventures! are their specialty. Through the Weekly E-venture! you will be emailed a new themed packet every Friday filled with crafts, games, songs, books, and snacks. What could be more fun than creating, laughing, and learning with your kids? Summer is just around the corner and this will be perfect for the days you need a little something to do! has recently been highlighted in both Memphis and Chicago papers. They also have a huge promotion starting on Friday, May 7th with Discovery Education and all of its STAR educators nationwide!! You will want to check them out and see what they are all about!

And this week's Weekly E-venture! is on Mothers. Happy Mother's Day everyone! (The username and password will be valid for 6 weeks- until June 26, 2010.)

Keep up with the freebies, coupons and discounts! Subscribe Now! It's Free!

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