Monday, May 24, 2010

Commissary Coupon Questions

I've had a few questions and concerns lately about the Commissary coupon policy and I wanted to put the answers in a post so everyone could see them. I also had my first issue with the coupon policy so I will make sure to carry it with me for a little back up. :)

1. Does the Commissary accept coupons that are more than the product? (A couple of people are having this questioned at checkout) I e-mailed the Commissary and this was the response I got. (On a side note, I love that they are so quick to get back to you with a personal e-mail! I really do enjoy shopping there.)

DeCA Directive 40-6, Change 1, dated April 2, 2009, chapter 7, paragraph
7-4n states, "Valid coupons will be entered at the value stated on the coupons. If the value of the coupon exceeds the cost of the product, the customer will be given the full value of the coupon." Based on the
information you provided, if the item you were purchasing met all the
redemption requirements stipulated on the coupon, you should have received
the full face value of the coupon even though the purchase price was less.

2. Does the Commissary accept internet/printed coupons? (the answer is taken from their coupon policy)

"Yes, commissaries gladly accept Internet or home-printed coupons provided they meet the following requirements - the coupons must have a typical barcode and Product Identification Number (PIN) or GS1 DataBar. A Dot Scan Barcode may appear below the expiration date, but is only required if stated on the coupon, e.g., "Do not accept without a Dot Scan Barcode below the expiration date." Internet coupons cannot be accepted for free products, however, "Buy One Get One Free" coupons are acceptable if they meet all other requirements. "

To see more of their coupon policy, go here. Keep the questions coming!

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