Saturday, May 8, 2010

*Reminder* Cascade 24-hr Challenge Giveaway!

I think one of the great things about Military Spouses is the way they immediately open up to one another upon meeting and work together as neighbors. It is a great bond to share! In the spirit of Military Spouse Appreciation day, another military spouse has shared her giveaway with My Military Mommy readers. Kay at Reaping Your Harvest shared this with me! :) Thanks Kay!


My family and I LOVE a nice little dessert with ice cream! Cascade & BlogSpark were so nice to offer us the opportunity to endulge a rich blueberry cobbler, I had to make it of course, but they provide the recipe. Upon finishing this little treat we embarked on a 24-hour Challenge.

The challenge consisted of allowing the dish to remain out for 24 hours prior to washing using the provided Cascade Complete Pacs. We were also instructed NOT to rinse the dish at all before placing it in the dishwasher. Now I must admit, there are some dishes that I absolutely believe needs a little rinsing to help loosen up the food particles, and this dish fell in that category!

I wasn’t completely confident that the Cascade Complete would do the job. Now mind you, it does have the gel, powder, and rinse aid all in this cute little pac, but would it work was my question!

The finally results were in…and I was amazed! Usually I would end up still needing to clean some tough stains after the wash, but I’m here to say that the Cascade Complete did its job well!

Cascade & BlogSpark wants one of my lovely readers to experience the cleaning power of Cascade Complete, so they have provided me with a $25 Wal-Mart Giftcard to share with one of you to purchase your very own products.

You know I’m about saving more, so be sure to click on the Cascade Complete links above to reap some coupons to make your “spree” even sweeter!

Here’s how to enter:

Leave a comment–Share with us your toughest stain fighter dish that you’re hoping Cascade Complete will help you tackle
Leave a comment -In the spirit of “cleaning”, assist me with cleaning up the blog some. Let me know your likes and dislikes and what I can do to make this blog better for you and future readers (i.e., deals, number of posts, stores highlighted, posting my personal deals, etc.)
Tweet about this giveaway- include me (@seedtofeed) in the twitter so I can see it.
Blog about this giveaway (leave your blog link in the comment)
Subscribe to the Reaping Your Harvest blog via RSS or by EMAIL (if you already subscribe just say–current subscriber in the comment)

Please leave a separate comment for each entry (up to 5 comments/entries per person)! State each entry method in the comment and leave the appropriate information for me to verify. I will randomly select a winner on Saturday 5/8 around 8pm and post the winner on Sunday (5/9).

Legal Disclaimer: This product review was based on using complimentary Cascade product provided by P&G. Bloggers also received a Walmart gift card to share with their readers. P&G does not represent or warrant the accuracy of any statements or product claims made here, nor does it endorse any opinions expressed with this blogsite.

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