Want to go to the movies for FREE? Here are 2 deals going on right now:
To receive your FREE Movie Ticket, enter two codes fromany 2 specially marked boxes of General Mills cereal. Print your free movie certificate and take it to a participating theatre to receive one FREE movie admission! This promotion expires 6/30/10. Check out coupons.com for coupons to help with this deal.
Buy Any 4 Bags of Participating Hershey's Candy. Print out their online form and mail it along with 4 Proofs of Purchase (UPC's). You will receive an e-mail to redeem your free movie ticket! This promotion expires 8/31/10. For coupons, look inyour SS 4/18, Walgreen's April Coupon Booklet, and here.
Thanks MY CNY Mommy!
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