First is Margie, My Springfield Mommy. This is how she organizes her coupons.
I am always asked how do I keep my coupons organized?
Do I clip them, file them?
How do I find them when I need them?
This week I have weeded out the expired ones and would like to show you how I keep my coupons organized.
You will see in the photo above that I do not clip my coupons. I keep the entire Sunday insert. I date and label the cover of insert and each week gets a cubby hole.
On average I keep about 6 months worth of inserts. When I find a match up, I know just where that coupon is. I pull the insert, clip the coupon and get the deal.
Any loose coupons that I get with samples are kept at the bottom. I also keep my ALL YOU subscription in the lower cubby.
Having your coupons organized will not only save you more time than you can even image, but it will also save you more money since you will know where all your inserts are and not overlook any.
I am happy to answer any questions you may have on keeping your coupons organized. The key is finding a system that works for you. If you like the way I have sorted mine you are welcomed to take the idea for yourself. You can find a "cabinet" like I show in the photo at any office supply store. Just be sure that you have enough slots for at least 6 months of inserts and any other items you are going to keep.
Thanks for sharing Margie! I hope this helps give you another great idea for organizing to try out. There are more mommies willing to share so check back again tomorrow!