Thursday, April 22, 2010

Commissary Coupon Matchup - 4/22-5/5

The new (and some old) sales came out today at the commissary and I have been going through the list (35 pages printed...yay!) to try to find some really good deals when you match up coupons. I am looking first at what might give me some overage along with free. With 35 pages, I am bound to overlook a few, but I'll give you some now and some later (or you might not get the list until next week!).

Remember I can't post prices, so this makes for a unique challenge:

-Snuggle - dryer sheets or liquid fabric softener
$3/1 Select Snuggle Products, exp. 5-2 (RP 3/28/10)
Final Price : Free with overage

$1/1 Oscar Mayer Lunchables Lunch Combinations, exp. 5-16 (SS 3/21/10)
Final Price: Free or close

-Marcal Facial Tissue
FREE Select Marcal Small Steps Products, exp. 5-31-10 (SS 04/25/10)
$1.00 off coupon
Final Price: Free, maybe with overage

*Thanks to Reaping Your Harvest for these 3 ideas!

-Ziploc bags(freezer and storage quart and gallon slider bags) - right under $1
$5 MIR Select SC Johnson & Co. Products printable (only have to buy 3)
$0.40/1 Ziploc brand Bags, exp. 5-15-10 (SS 03/21/10)
$1/2 Ziploc Brand Bags, exp. 5-15-10 (SS 03/21/10)
Final Price: So many combinations/always ending with a money maker if you use the rebate

-Ronzoni Pasta
$1/2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest printable
$1/2 Ronzoni Healthy Harvest printable
Final Price: Each less than $1

-Lysol Disinfecting Wipes
$1/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes, exp. 5-25-10 (SS 04/25/10)
$1/2 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes printable
Final Price: Depending on coupon, could be less than $1

Fiber One Yogurt - 4pack
$1/1 Fiber One Yogurt Multipacks printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Final Price : less than $1

Frosted Mini-Wheats, All Bran, Raison Bran
$1.50/2 Frosted Mini-Wheats, All-Bran or Raisin Bran printable
Final Price: Depends on type of cereal, but less than $3 for 2 boxes!

Here are some deals now...I'll be back later with more! (sorry...I'm not really fast at it yet!).

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