Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Another way to Organize Coupons

After our Twitter Party on Sunday, I realized how interested people were in how others organized their coupons (nice to know I'm not the only one!). On Monday I told you how I organize my coupons and yesterday I shared with you how Margie from My Springfield Mommy organizes her coupons. Today, here is Shana's way of organizing (from My Memphis Mommy). Please add any ways you like to organize!

What I take in the store with me...... Coupon map, getting the coupons into the envelopes

Shana's way of organizing coupons:
I keep everything with me (except my home-made coupon map). In my plastic accordion folder(2/$3 at Target), I keep a calculator ($0.99 at Walmart), scissors, a pen, a small pad of paper (to write down prices) and address labels (for in store contests) For my coupons, I keep my coupons in small envelopes. I probably have over 40 envelopes labeled. I keep those coupons divided into household and groceries, I keep them all in alphabetical order.

I also have a a folder "on file" where I place my inserts, coupon booklets, mailed coupons, before I get to put them in an envelope. I try to weekly cut the coupons I know I will use and I place them on my coupon map (categories match my envelopes) this makes it super fast to get all my coupons in my envelope. I NEVER spend more than an hour a week organizing my coupons.
With envelopes it makes it very easy to just go through a few envelopes at a time and pull out expired coupons. It took me a while to create my system but it is so easy now and I find my coupons in the store, SUPER FAST.

A few things to note:
  • I have an envelope labeled: Today's list, I look at the store's weekly ad and pull coupons out and have them ready.
  • I also have envelopes for stores I frequent for their store coupons: CVS, Kroger, Walgreens and Target.
  • I never cut coupons out of the Target mailed to my home booklets, I place manufactor's coupons on top of them as I find matches.
  • I also have a FREE and BOGO (Buy one Get one Free) envelope that way when I see a BOGO sale I can quickly see if I have coupons that match.
  • I also have a shoe box where I disregard coupons that I won't use and try to give these away to friends and at coupon workshops
Any questions, write them in the comment box or e-mail Shana, We would also love to hear how our readers organize their coupons, please share your ideas!

Thanks Shana!

Take a look at the couponizer here!

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