What I take in the store with me...... Coupon map, getting the coupons into the envelopes
Shana's way of organizing coupons:
I keep everything with me (except my home-made coupon map). In my plastic accordion folder(2/$3 at Target), I keep a calculator ($0.99 at Walmart), scissors, a pen, a small pad of paper (to write down prices) and address labels (for in store contests) For my coupons, I keep my coupons in small envelopes. I probably have over 40 envelopes labeled. I keep those coupons divided into household and groceries, I keep them all in alphabetical order.
I also have a a folder "on file" where I place my inserts, coupon booklets, mailed coupons, before I get to put them in an envelope. I try to weekly cut the coupons I know I will use and I place them on my coupon map (categories match my envelopes) this makes it super fast to get all my coupons in my envelope. I NEVER spend more than an hour a week organizing my coupons.
With envelopes it makes it very easy to just go through a few envelopes at a time and pull out expired coupons. It took me a while to create my system but it is so easy now and I find my coupons in the store, SUPER FAST.
A few things to note:
- I have an envelope labeled: Today's list, I look at the store's weekly ad and pull coupons out and have them ready.
- I also have envelopes for stores I frequent for their store coupons: CVS, Kroger, Walgreens and Target.
- I never cut coupons out of the Target mailed to my home booklets, I place manufactor's coupons on top of them as I find matches.
- I also have a FREE and BOGO (Buy one Get one Free) envelope that way when I see a BOGO sale I can quickly see if I have coupons that match.
- I also have a shoe box where I disregard coupons that I won't use and try to give these away to friends and at coupon workshops
Thanks Shana!
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