I received this information in an e-mail and wanted to share it with you:
"The Armed Forces Families Foundation and Taco Bell are using the proceeds from a November 2009 fundraiser to fund projects that will benefit military families on bases in Jacksonville, Fla., Augusta, Ga. and Mobile, Ala. The Jacksonville project is currently in progress at USO Mayport - where 12 new Dell computers and 9 Logitech web cams will be installed in the communications center, and the child's play area will receive a complete makeover.
The AFFF is asking for public feedback for the next projects in Mobile and Augusta. A Facebook page has been created (http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Armed-Forces-Families-Foundation/112562888774840 ) so you can leave your opinions on areas of need or what you would like to see done at a base near you to make military families' lives a little easier. "
Please become a member of the facebook page and let your voice be heard!
Please become a member of the facebook page and let your voice be heard!
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