There are over 1.7 million children that have one or more parents in the military and they have been through quite a lot over the past years. In April we applaud the strength and courage of the military child.
-NC State has invited all military kids and their families to the 2010 Kay Yow Spring Red vs. White Football game at Saturday, April 17 at 1pm at Carter-Finley Stadium in Raleigh, NC. The event is free to all military families and they will have the chance to meet the player and coaches on the field after the game. http://henderson.ces.ncsu.edu/content/UpcomingEvents4-H
-Bases all around the world are also hosting lock-ins to celebrate :) Check your local base website to see if yours is participating.
-There are also writing contests or writing opportunities to share about experiences had while being a military child.
Many events are planned worldwide to celebrate and raise awareness of these children and the lives they lead. I will update as I find more and please feel free to share any events in your area! Thanks :)
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