Publix has the most accepting coupon policy I have found and they have GREAT customer service.
Call your local Publix to see what their specific coupon policy is.
- They accept competitors coupons, even military coupons (call you local Publix to see who they consider competitors. Competitors are usually a store within 1 mile of the Publix).
- They accept 2 coupons per item, 1 manufacturers/vendor and 1 competitor's. This includes Buy 1 Get One Free (B1G1, or BOGO)
- They will accept internet coupons up to $5 (although this may differ from store to store), Publix will NOT accept internet coupons for free items.
- They do not price match.
- Publix doubles coupons up to and including $0.50. There are no limits to the number of coupons that will double. Only manufacturer coupons will double. Store and competitor coupons will not double. This policy does not apply to Florida—coupons do not double in Florida.
- Publix does not accept expired coupons.
- The Publix Promise guarantees that if during checkout, the scanned price of an item (excluding alcohol and tobacco products) exceeds the shelf price or advertised price, they will give the customer one of that item free. The remaining items will be charged at the lower price.
- Publix does not limit the number of coupons that can be used per transaction—BUT …after a $50 coupon threshold has been reached, a manager override will be necessary for any additional coupons to be accepted.
- Publix registers also require that the number of coupons and items purchased be equivalent. If you have more coupons than items, a manger override will be required
- During a BOGO sale, you do not have to purchase two items to receive the discount. BOGO items each ring ½ of the regular price. This is not true in Florida—you must purchase both items as the 1st item rings at full price and the 2nd item rings at zero ($0)
- Publix will gladly give a rain check for any sale item that is not in stock. Some stores will only write RC’s for items in the weekly sales flyer not the Advantage Buy Flyers
- The penny item coupon is valid for use on Sunday and/or Monday. The actual coupon can be found in the ad located in the Sunday paper (usually on the front cover). Florida does not participate in the penny item promotion.
Thanks to I heart Publix for the additional info!
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